Sunday, January 18, 2009

Your probly thinking you should just start a shelter!

Okay so you know about the puppy (Annie) she has found a great home with my uncle (Rubens) wife! And I'm Very glad cause I would be sooo bussy!


Well take a look!

So some tourist found this little boy kitten who is about 1 week old and came up to us and said "do you guys live here?" and where like umm yeah howd you know? then they asked if we could take it. And of course we did and now I get to be momma!
Haha and also my dog lady who is expecting pups in Feb is claming the kitten as her own! LOL!
What a dog!


  1. He's such a cute kitten!!!
    Thanks for following my blog!

  2. He's a cute kitten Crystal! :) If only I like cats. Well, even if I'm not fond of cats, I still think he's cute. :)

  3. I perfer dogs over cats but I really just love any animal I see! I just fall in love! LOL!

  4. Your blog looks really cool! And I love anamals horses are so beautiful and smart!

    Thnks for following my blog!
    And dusty the kitten is such a baby!

    Also typo up in the blog, dusty is three or four weeks old! He still needs his momm's milk! He is hardly walking yet he is attacking the key board trying to help me type! LOL!

  5. How cute! Animals-Pets are such a wonderful gift from God!

  6. he is sooo cute! I am not fond of cats, but I am more so than dogs. Lets just say, i am afraid of dogs!

  7. I love dogs so much even if they seem scary I still love them! When I was younger I was bit by a pitbull because I showed signs that I was scarred! Yet God has given me a love for anaimals even if they bite me! LOL!



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